Preview environment

interface WebhookMessageCreateOptions


Omit<MessageCreateOptions, 'nonce' | 'reply' | 'stickers' | 'forward'>
export interface WebhookMessageCreateOptions extends Omit<MessageCreateOptions, 'nonce' | 'reply' | 'stickers' | 'forward'>

Options that can be passed into send.

appliedTags? : readonly Snowflake[]

The tags to apply to the created thread (only available if the webhook is in a forum channel)

avatarURL? : string

Avatar URL override for the message

flags : MessageFlags

Which flags to set for the message. Only the MessageFlags.SuppressEmbeds flag can be set.

threadId? : Snowflake

The id of the thread in the channel to send to. For interaction webhooks, this property is ignored

threadName? : string

Name of the thread to create (only available if the webhook is in a forum channel)

tts : boolean

Whether the message should be spoken aloud

username? : string

Username override for the message